Reproductive system
The male reproductive system consists of basic components, the most important of which are the testicle, penis, and their appendages, but the reproductive organs cannot function without a group of hormones that work in a regular physiological way, and male hormones differ from female hormones, and in general, each of these hormones has certain properties that it performs So that the body gives sexual characteristics.
some physical characteristics and reproductive functions in the body،The reproductive system is the system that enables humans to reproduce, as the male’s sperm fertilizes the female’s ovary to form an embryo that will settle in the uterus, and this article information about the male reproductive system will be mentioned.
Information about the male reproductive system.
When a male reaches puberty, the testicles produce and store millions of microscopic sperms. The testicles are oval and gradually grow until they are 2 inches or 5 centimeters long, and 3 centimeters wide. The testicles are considered part of the endocrine system because they secrete certain hormones, including testosterone.
This hormone is considered the most important hormone in the process of reaching a male child and giving him masculine characteristics such as a loud voice, greater muscle size, hair growth in the face and body, in addition to stimulating it to form sperm continuously, and the male child reaches puberty at the age of 9 to 12 years when certain glands In the brain, certain other hormones are secreted to stimulate the testicles to secrete testosterone.
Components of the male reproductive system.
To be able to understand the mechanism of the work of the male reproductive system, it is necessary to know the components of the male reproductive system and the mechanism of the work of each part in it, as it participates with the endocrine system in the body is a complex physiological way that begins from childhood and continues throughout the life of the male, and the parts of the male reproductive system are divided into parts They are located inside the pelvis and other parts are outside the pelvis. The components of the male reproductive system are as follows:
- The scrotum: It is a skin bag located behind the male penis and contains the testicles, blood vessels, and nerves inside, and the scrotum protects the testicles and gives a suitable physiological and thermal atmosphere, for the formation of sperm inside the testicles, the temperature must be slightly cooler than body temperature and contains The scrotum contains internal muscle tissue that contracts with cold and expands with heat, allowing the testicles to approach or move away from the body.
- The testicles: They are two oval masses located inside the scrotum and connected to the spermatic cord, and the testicles are the two glands responsible for the formation of the hormone testosterone, or the so-called male hormone, and the testicles are the ones who make sperm inside them through the seminal ducts.
- Epididymis: The epididymis is part of the ductal system within the male reproductive system. These ducts are located behind the testicles and store and produce male sperm, as they allow a suitable atmosphere for the growth and attainment of sperm cells inside them. During the sexual process, the epididymis pushes these sperm into other channels called the vas deferens.
- The vas deferens: It is also considered part of the ductal system within the male reproductive system, which is a muscular duct that extends from the epididymis in the testis to the inside of the pelvis behind the urinary bladder, and it connects on one side to the epididymis, and on the other side to the urethra. To be ready for ejaculation.
- The vas deferens: It is a canal formed from the meeting of the vas deferens with the seminal vesicles, and it pushes the sperm into the urethra.
- Urethra: It is a tube that transports urine from the urinary bladder to outside the body, and it has an additional function in males as it ejaculates sperm outside the body at sexual climax, and the urethra does not allow urine to pass through during ejaculation.
- The seminal vesicles: The vesicles are part of the glands attached to the male reproductive system, and they are small sacs located at the base of the urinary bladder and connected to the vas deferens.
- Prostate: It is part of the glands attached to the male reproductive system and is located under the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate adds some fluid to the seminal mixture during ejaculation, and this fluid gives some nutrition to the sperm, and the urethra passes from the center of the prostate extending to the penis.
- Bulbous urethral gland: It is a pea-sized gland located on both sides of the urethra below the prostate.
- The male penis: It consists of three parts, the root attached to the body, the body of the penis, the glans or head of the penis, and the foreskin. During sexual arousal, the penis expands by filling the spongy tissue with blood, allowing the process of penetration and mating, which ends with the ejaculation of sperm out of the penis through the urethra.
The way the male reproductive system works.
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The way the male reproductive system works |
A male child is born and has an integrated reproductive system with all its parts, but it is not an adult, and when puberty begins between the ages of nine and fifteen, the pituitary gland in the brain begins to secrete hormones to stimulate the testicles to secrete the male hormone or testosterone, a hormone that gives physiological changes Masculine in the body, and although physiological changes differ from one person to another, there are certain stages, so each stage follows certain changes. Here are the stages that the male reproductive system goes through at puberty:
- The first stage is an increase in the size of the testicles and scrotum.
- In the second stage: the penis becomes larger.
- The third stage: where the hair begins to grow in the pubic area first, then it begins to grow in the face, armpits, and scattered areas of the body, and the voice begins to become rough at this stage.
- Fourth stage: The male possesses other characteristics in the body such as muscular structure and an increase in length, width, and weight.
Sicknesses can influence the male conceptive framework.
Some male and male children face disorders and diseases related to the reproductive system, and these diseases may be before puberty or after puberty, and they can also be related to the components of the male reproductive system, or they may be related to male hormones secreted either from the brain or from the testicles, and some of these diseases come :
- Testicular torsion: The torsion of one or both testicles is an accident that needs very urgent and rapid medical care because the blood during the torsion is trapped from reaching the nutrition of the components of the testicle, which may threaten the loss of the testicle, so surgeons, in this case, return the testicle to its normal position.
- Varicocele: It is an expansion of some testicular veins, and varicocele usually occurs during the period of puberty of the child, but it is not considered a serious condition, but despite that, it may negatively affect the testicle and reduce the number of sperms formed in it, so it is recommended to take the child to the doctor in If there is any change in the testicle of the child until it is confirmed that it is safe.
- Testicular cancer: It is one of the common cancers in males under the age of forty, and testicular cancer occurs when cells inside the testicle divide abnormally, forming a tumor inside, and testicular cancer may spread to other parts of the body, and it can be treated and all risks related to it are avoided in If detected and treated early, it is, therefore, advisable to learn how to constantly examine the testicles.
- Epididymitis: The most important cause of epididymitis is bacteria, and its most important sources are sexually transmitted bacteria such as chlamydia. This inflammation causes testicular pain and a feeling of swelling next to the testicle from the inside.
- Hydrocele: It is the accumulation of some fluid inside the membrane surrounding the testicles, which causes the presence of edema or swelling inside the scrotum.
- Inguinal hernia: An inguinal hernia occurs when parts of the intestine press and push through a weak internal opening located within the abdominal wall from below to descend into the scrotum, and it appears as a mass inside the scrotum, and it can be treated by performing a surgical operation.
- Male penis inflammation: The symptoms of inflammation of the penis in males are the appearance of redness, itching, swelling, and pain, how much inflammation can occur in the head of the penis, and the inflammation may be internal or on the skin, and it is often caused by a bacterial or fungal infection.
- Hypospadias: It occurs at birth, where the opening of the urethra is at the bottom of the penis and not at the head of the penis.
- Penile phimosis: where the skin around the penis is tightly tight, and it is common in children and young adults, but the skin tightening usually subsides with time, and surgery can be performed if the tightening leads to obstruction of the urethra.
- Ambiguous genitalia: a condition that occurs when a child is born with an unspecified reproductive system, whether male or female. Male children have a small penis or an undeveloped penis with testicles. In some cases, the child may have both testicles and ovaries at the same time.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The prostate is a gland located under the urinary bladder, and it participates in the formation of semen in men. This can lead to health problems in the process of urination, and the enlargement of this gland is not considered cancer, but it may lead to major health problems and consequences if this inflation is not treated.
these consequences include infections in the urinary tract and bladder and damage to the kidneys, and these consequences can be avoided in If treated early, this swelling is accompanied by many symptoms that the patient feels, and the following are some of these symptoms:
- The feeling of a sudden, urgent urge to urinate immediately.
- The inability to start urinating as usual, but there is difficulty in that.
- The urine is not rushing as usual, but sometimes it reaches the point that the urination is just a slow drip.
- Feeling of not completing urination even though you have finished it.
- There is some blood in the urine.
It is a surgical operation that is often performed after birth for a male newborn before leaving the hospital, where the skin is removed from the head of the male penis in the child, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, circumcision has many benefits and may also have risks, and among these benefits is that it reduces the possibility of infection with AIDS, It also reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections, both bacterial and viral.
reduces the risk of urinary tract infections in males, and reduces the possibility of male cancer, and the risks of circumcision include the possibility of bleeding when it is performed, and circumcision causes severe pain to the child, Therefore doctors advise giving a pain reliever before performing this operation to the child, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents perform circumcision on the child in proportion to the desired benefits for the child, and as dictated by cultural and religious norms.
Information about male infertility.
Male infertility is defined by doctors as the inability to fertilize the female despite trying for at least a full year. In any case, males represent a third of infertility cases, a third of cases are due to female-related causes, and the last third of infertility cases are unknown.
Reason, therefore, in the event of suspicion of infertility, a doctor should be consulted to perform a medical examination to reveal the reason for this.
- Physical causes related to the testicles.
- Sperm-carrying ducts closed.
- The presence of hormonal disorders in the body and related to the male reproductive system.
- Having a history of sickness in the male with high body temperature.
- Having a history of mumps infection.
- The presence of genetic disorders.
- The presence of problems in the lifestyle or environmental factors in which the individual lives.
The term menopause is used mainly in women when the menstrual cycle stops when they age in the fifth decade, and menopause in women is characterized by hormonal changes that occur at that age in the ovaries, which lose their ability to reproduce, and in contrast in men, the ability of the testicles in males It does not lose its ability to produce the hormones necessary for childbearing, provided that it is relatively healthy, so a man can form sperm until the age of eighty, and in any case.
some hormonal changes may occur to men at the age of forty to forty-fifth that changes the condition of the testicles, and gradually increase to the age of seventy the situation in changing hormones in males varies from one person to another and based on the presence of some diseases, and one of the most influential diseases is diabetes, and some psychological symptoms are involved in hormonal changes in males, and these symptoms include feeling tired, weakness, frustration and depression, and the erection process is not specified in That period.
Substances and habits that may affect the ability to fertilize.
They are the factors or materials that a person may use that have negative effects on the effectiveness and fertilization ability of a man or woman or have effects on the birth of a healthy child, and these materials may be physical, chemical or biological, and these materials can be exposed either by touching them with the skin or through Breathing, or even eating or swallowing them, that is, through the mouth, and exposure to them is often either at home or in the workplace, and the following are some of these substances:
- Alcoholic substances.
- Pesticide.
- smoking.
- Some medicines are prohibited or not.
- A few metals, like lead or mercury.
- Radiation of all kinds.
- Some types of viruses.
Erectile dysfunction.
It is a common sexual condition in men, which is the inability of the penis to get an erection or maintain an erection for a sufficient time during the sexual process, this problem generally occurs with age, but it is not a sign of aging, and some people with this condition do not dare to disclose to the doctor the presence of This problem, and in any case, the doctor should be informed of this because erectile dysfunction may be a sign of another health problem such as a blockage in the blood vessels in the penis.
or it may be the cause of some damage to the nerve endings due to diabetes, and therefore if this case is not treated Early on, it may worsen to the point of not being able to solve it later, and the doctor will give advice and appropriate treatment based on the situation, and in general, to avoid erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to exercise constantly, stop smoking, and reduce excess weight.
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