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pediatric gastrointestinal disorders.

What are digestive disorders in children?

digestive disorders in children
pediatric gastrointestinal disorders. 

Pediatric gastrointestinal disorders are perhaps the most common type of infection, and problems are either not kidding, persistent, and require unique clinical study or typical that resolve over time and cause.  In this article, we review the main stomach-related diseases affecting children in infancy, for example, bloating, stomach pain, loose bowel, obstruction, etc., and how to deal with each of them.

"My stomach damage" is a consecutive objection by most offspring of all age groups and at different times.  The grievance may simply be a reason to avoid eating or respond to something your child does not like.  

However, if we assume that the torment is real, then there is a problem causing him this exacerbation, and he may now suffer the ill effects of a real stomach problem, especially if at least one of these indicators is related to the stomach.  torment, for example, nausea;  lifting.  Intestinal diarrhea.  Clogging;  drought.  fever;  Here are some normal stomach-related messes in babies.

Flatulence in children. 

Bloating or gathering gas in the digestive system is a problem that faces both children and adults, and bloating occurs naturally after eating certain foods that may cause sensitivity in the digestive system, the most famous of which are: 

  • cabbage.  

  • cauliflower. 

  • broccoli. 

  • milk.  

And many other foods and the reaction of your child's digestive system are different from others. There can be a type of food that does not generally cause bloating and causes bloating for your child. 

One of the most important causes of bloating is also eating quickly and chewing gum (gum) for long periods, which causes swallowing air and gases in the digestive system. 

Typically, bloating and gas cause abdominal pain.  If bloating occurs frequently and daily, your child should be shown to the doctor to confirm the cause of this occurrence and treat it.

gastroesophageal reflux disease in children.

If your child complains of acidity or a burning sensation in the stomach, and some fluids rise to his mouth with or without food residues, he suffers from reflux in the esophagus, and the cause of reflux is one of the following: 

  • Eating in large quantities.  

  • Eat before bed.  

  • Focus on fried foods, fats, and sweets rich in sugar.  

Your child should be shown to the doctor to make sure that there is no biological problem in the esophagus causing this, with the need to maintain a balanced diet for your child and to stay away from fast and fried food and sweets, and to put food in regular and small meals throughout the day.

gastrointestinal infection.

Harmful bacteria and viruses may reach the child’s digestive system in many ways, including: 

  • Not washing hands well before eating or putting them in the mouth.

  • Eating spoiled or poorly washed food. 

  • Eating undercooked food.  

Transmission of the infection from another child to your child.  In all cases, bacterial and viral infections have clear symptoms on top of them: 

  • Abdominal pain. 

  • High temperature (fever).  

  • diarrhea.  

  • Vomiting. 

To prevent your child from infection, maintain hygiene before eating, and teach your child the principles of personal hygiene, especially when you are not around.

Lactose intolerance in children.

If your child feels abnormal symptoms every time he eats milk, dairy products, or any food that is included in its composition, he is probably lactose intolerant.  

This disorder has clear symptoms, the most important of which are cramps, gas, diarrhea, and nausea after a short period of eating any dairy products, as symptoms begin to appear within 15-30 minutes.  

Some children whose digestive system cannot secrete the enzyme to digest lactose (milk sugar), and here they must stop eating any food that contains milk as one of its components.

Diarrhea in children.

Diarrhea in children.
Diarrhea in children.

Diarrhea more than three times per day can make the child dehydrated, and the causes of diarrhea are multiple, including: 

  • Food allergy. 

  • Viral or bacterial infection. 

  • Take some medicine.  

And your child should be shown to the doctor if diarrhea occurs more than three times a day, and this reduces the possibility of dehydration.

Constipation in children.

One of the most important causes of acute abdominal pain that most children cannot bear, and constipation occurs as a result of many reasons, including: 

  • Not eating enough fiber in food. 

  • Not drinking enough water and fluids. 

  • Taking certain medications that cause constipation.  

  • A problem with the stool in the child, in this case, there is a pain in the anus every time the child tries to defecate. 

If constipation continues for more than four days and is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, high temperature, blood in the stool, or a change in its color, for this situation, you ought to go to the specialist right away.

Gluten sensitivity in children.

Its most important symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, n, and diarrhea, and it affects the child’s development in a good way at different stages of his life, compared to other children.  This disease occurs as a result of eating foods containing gluten, a type of protein found in many foods, especially wheat. 

If an allergy is suspected after eating any food that contains wheat, oats, and other foods that contain protein, the child must be presented to the doctor to write a special diet for him in which he can compensate your child for the products that he prevents from him as a result of containing gluten. 

All pediatric gastrointestinal disorders
share many symptoms, so identifying the type of disease that affects your child through symptoms will be difficult, and therefore we recommend consulting a doctor to identify the main cause and treat it before it turns into something more serious.


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